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The 7 keys to a successful rebranding

We will address here a large-scale project, namely the replacement of a brand by decision of the board of directors in an international organization of several thousand employees (after a takeover or a merger, following the creation of a new brand , for consolidation of activities, with the aim of optimizing financial gains, at the time of opening a new market or a new location, etc.)

This configuration is complex due to the number of stakeholders, branding and communication agencies, brand architects and all of the company's services. It is supported by the CEO of the organization and inspired by the members of the Management Committee. direction.

A rebranding project most often transforms into multiple projects linked to this brand change to which it is appropriate to associate the structuring projects already in progress and the actions of the marketing plan which will continue.

It is also complex because it will require presenting and having the brand adopted by all stakeholders both within the company and those with whom the company collaborates, both institutional and customers and suppliers.

Even for simpler cases, the 7 keys to successful rebranding apply. The difference lies in the scope or scale to be given to it.

Senior management involvement

An internal and external multidisciplinary team

Structuring the project into detailed, costed and dated activities

Mobilize teams at all levels for each activity

Rigorous monitoring and agile management

Customer concerns

Meetings to record the results obtained

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